K13 propeller là gì? Các công bố khoa học về K13 propeller

K13 propeller không phải là thuật ngữ chính thức trong lĩnh vực hàng không. Tuy nhiên, có thể hiểu là K13 có thể được giới thiệu về hệ thống cánh quạt (propelle...

K13 propeller không phải là thuật ngữ chính thức trong lĩnh vực hàng không. Tuy nhiên, có thể hiểu là K13 có thể được giới thiệu về hệ thống cánh quạt (propeller) trên máy bay hoặc các loại phương tiện bay khác. Điều đặc biệt về K13 có thể liên quan đến thông số kỹ thuật hoặc mô hình cụ thể của hệ thống cánh quạt này, nhưng để cung cấp thông tin chính xác hơn, bạn cần cung cấp thêm chi tiết hoặc ngữ cảnh cụ thể hơn.
Rất tiếc, tôi không thể cung cấp thêm thông tin về "K13 propeller" vì không có thông tin cụ thể hoặc ngữ cảnh cho thuật ngữ này. Có thể "K13 propeller" là một thuật ngữ cụ thể chỉ định một loại cánh quạt hoặc mô hình cụ thể, nhưng tôi không thể tìm thấy thông tin cụ thể về nó mà không có thêm đầu vào.
Xin lỗi vì sự nhầm lẫn trước đó. "K13 propeller" không phải là thuật ngữ chính xác trong lĩnh vực hàng không và không có thông tin cụ thể về nó. Có thể "K13 propeller" là một thuật ngữ do bạn tự đặt hay đề cập đến một mô hình hoặc cấu trúc cánh quạt cụ thể, nhưng nó không được sử dụng rộng rãi hoặc nhận diện trong ngành hàng không. Nếu bạn có bất kỳ thông tin nào khác về "K13 propeller", xin vui lòng cung cấp thêm chi tiết để tôi có thể giúp bạn tốt hơn.

Danh sách công bố khoa học về chủ đề "k13 propeller":

Tạp chí Truyền nhiễm Việt Nam - Tập 4 Số 32 - Trang 26-30 - 2020
Backgrounds: Dihydroartemisinin - piperaquine is a current frontline drug recommended in global by WHO for the treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria (WHO, 2015), but is now failing in Vietnam provinces where border Cambodia, and has emerged and spread. The purpose of this study was to evaluate efficacy and molecular markers of dihydroartemisinin - piperaquine failures in Daklak province. Methods: A study design of non - randomized controlled study design for the 42 day - course follow - up in vivo test, and the molecular markers analysis. Findings: The data showed that adequate clinical and parasitological response was sharply declined of 12,1%, late clinical failure of 51.5%, late parasitological failure of 36.4%, proportion of positive parasitemia at D3 is 37%, slope half - life of 5.36 hrs, and progressive parasite clearance PC50, PC75, PC 90, PC95, and PC99 were 13.24; 19.29; 25.69; 29.97 and 39.15 hrs, respectively. Molecular markers of C580Y Kelch mutation observed 100% (50/50) in the patients, increased of Plasmepsine 2 CNV of 72% (36/50), and both K13 and Plasmepsine 2 of 72% (36/50). Conclusions: The DHA - PPQ efficacy severely decreased of 12.1%, overall treatment failure of 87.9% with the prominent C580Y mutant plus increased Plasmepsine 2 copy number variation in delayed asexual P. falciparum parasite clearance. These obvious data need to urgently change antimalarial policy in DHA - PPQ resistance zones.
#Plasmodium falciparum #K13 propeller #Plasmepsine 2 copy number variation (CNV)
Molecular surveillance of Pfcrt and k13 propeller polymorphisms of imported Plasmodium falciparum cases to Zhejiang Province, China between 2016 and 2018
Malaria Journal - Tập 19 - Trang 1-9 - 2020
Resistance to anti-malarial drugs hinders malaria elimination. Monitoring the molecular markers of drug resistance helps improve malaria treatment policies. This study aimed to assess the distribution of molecular markers of imported Plasmodium falciparum infections. In total, 485 P. falciparum cases imported from Africa, Southeast Asia, and Oceania into Zhejiang province, China, from 2016 to 2018 were investigated. Most were imported from Africa, and only a few cases originated in Asia and Oceania. Blood samples were collected from each patient. Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter (Pfcrt) at residues 72–76 and Kelch13-propeller (k13) were determined by nested PCR and DNA sequence. Wild-type Pfcrt at residues 72–76 was predominant (72.61%), but mutant and mixed alleles were also detected, of which CVIET (22.72%) was the most common. Mutant Pfcrt haplotypes were more frequent in patients from West Africa (26.92%), North Africa (25%), and Central Africa (21.93%). The number of cases of P. falciparum infections was small in Southeast Asia and Oceania, and these cases involved Pfcrt mutant type. For the k13 propeller gene, 26 samples presented 19 different point mutations, including eight nonsynonymous mutations (P441S, D464E, K503E, R561H, A578S, R622I, V650F, N694K). In addition, R561H, one of the validated SNPs in k13, was detected in one patient from Myanmar and one patient from Rwanda. A578S, although common in Africa, was found in only one patient from Cameroon. R622I was detected in one sample from Mozambique and one sample from Somalia. The genetic diversity of k13 was low in most regions of Africa and purifying selection was suggested by Tajima’s D test. The frequency and spatial distributions of Pfcrt and k13 mutations associated with drug resistance were determined. Wild-type Pfcrt was dominant in Africa. Among k13 mutations correlated with delayed parasite clearance, only the R561H mutation was found in one case from Rwanda in Africa. Both Pfcrt and k13 mutations were detected in patients from Southeast Asia and Oceania. These findings provide insights into the molecular epidemiological profile of drug resistance markers in the study region.
K13-propeller gene polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum parasite population: a systematic review protocol of burden and associated factors
Systematic Reviews - Tập 7 - Trang 1-5 - 2018
Malaria control and prevention efforts continue to rely heavily on the use of medicines especially artemisinin agents. However, currently, the emergence of artemisinin resistance threatens this effort globally. The K13-gene polymorphisms associated with artemisinin resistance have been detected in Southeast Asia. In countries outside Southeast Asia, artemisinin resistance has not yet been confirmed. The articles will be obtained from the search of MEDLINE via PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE, and LILACS/VHL databases. Mesh terms will be used in the article search. Boolean operators (“AND”, “OR”) will be used in the article search. Article search will be done independently by two librarians (RS and AK). The articles will be screened for inclusion using set criteria and following the PRISMA guidelines. Data extraction will be done by two independent reviewers (NL and BB), Kappa statistic will be calculated, and any discrepancies resolved by discussion. Heterogeneity in the articles will be established using I2 statistic. This review will focus on establishing the K13-gene polymorphisms among Plasmodium falciparum parasites reported from previous studies in malaria-affected countries. Artemisinin resistance has not been widely reported among parasites in Africa and other malaria-endemic countries outside Southeast Asia. However, several studies on artemisinin resistance have reported different K13-gene polymorphisms from the validated mutations found in Southeast Asia. This study will collate evidence from previous studies on the commonly reported K13 -gene polymorphisms among P. falciparum parasites in malaria-affected countries. PROSPERO CRD 42018084624
Evaluation of artemether-lumefantrine efficacy in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria and its association with pfmdr1, pfatpase6 and K13-propeller polymorphisms in Luanda, Angola
Malaria Journal - Tập 14 - Trang 1-10 - 2015
Drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum has posed an obstacle to effective treatment and challenges many malaria control programmes in endemic areas. In Angola, until 2003, chloroquine (CQ) was used as first-line therapy for uncomplicated malaria. It was replaced initially by amodiaquine and, in 2006, by artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) with artemether-lumefantrine (AL, Coartem®). Efficacy study of ACT, conducted in Angola between 2004 and 2005, showed a baseline efficacy of ≈99 %. 103 malaria patients were enrolled according to WHO proceedings. Patients were followed up with clinical and parasitological evaluations for 28 days, parasite density and identification was evaluated by microscopy, the pfmsp2 were genotyped by nested-PCR, to distinguish parasite recrudescence from new infections; the polymorphisms at codons 86 and 1246 of pfmdr1 gene, and 769 of pfatp6 gene were assessed by PCR–RFLP and sequencing for pfk13-propeller genotype. The cure rate was 91.3 %. The obtained results showed that from 103 patients, 12.6 % (n = 13) still had parasitaemia 1 day after the treatment was finished. On day 0, of the 94 evaluated samples, wild-type alleles were identified in 73.4 % (n = 69) for pfmdr1 N86Y position and only one sample carried the mutant allele (Y) for pfmdr1 1246; 14 % of these samples showed increased pfmdr1 copy number; 100 % (n = 21) had wild-type allele of k13 gene in all the studied positions. These results showed changes in parasite profile susceptibility to AL in comparison to the baseline data from 2002 to 2004 and on the genotyping characteristics; the clinical outcome after treatment with AL did not link a particular genotype with treatment failure; observed changes do not provide sufficient evidence for a treatment policy change, but they suggest that a carefully monitoring is needed in this area.
K13-propeller gene polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum parasite population in malaria affected countries: a systematic review of prevalence and risk factors
Malaria Journal - Tập 18 - Trang 1-17 - 2019
Efficacy of artemisinin (ART) agents, a critical element of current malaria control efforts is threatened by emergence and spread of resistance. Mutations in pfkelch13 gene associated with ART-resistance evolved in Southeast Asia (SEA). k13 mutations whose role in ART-resistance remains unknown, have subsequently emerged independently across all malaria-affected regions. The aim of this systematic review was to determine the prevalence and identify risk factors of Plasmodium falciparum k13 mutations in malaria-endemic countries. An electronic search of studies from 2014 to date was done in MEDLINE via PubMED, SCOPUS, EMBASE and LILACS/VHL databases. Mesh terms and Boolean operators (AND, OR) were used. Two librarians independently conducted this search (RS and AK). The articles were screened for inclusion using a priori criteria set following PRISMA-P and STREGA guidelines. Three independent reviewers (NL, BB, and OM) extracted the data. Data analysis was performed in Open Meta Analyst software. Random effects analysis (DL) was used and heterogeneity established using I2-statistic. A total of 482 articles were retrieved from Pubmed = 302, Lilacs/Vhl = 50, Embase = 80, and Scopus = 37; Bibliography/other searches = 13, of which 374 did not meet the inclusion criteria. The aggregate prevalence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in pfkelch13 gene was 27.6% (3694/14,827) (95% CI 22.9%, 32.3%). Sub-group analysis showed that aggregate prevalence of non-synonymous SNPs in pfkelch13 gene was higher, 45.4% (95% CI 35.4%, 55.3%) in Southeast Asia as opposed to 7.6% (95% CI 5.6%, 9.5%) in the African region. A total of 165 independent k13 mutations were identified across malaria-affected regions globally. A total of 16 non-validated k13 mutations were associated with increased ART parasite clearance half-life (t1/2 > 5 h). The majority, 45.5% (75/165), of the mutations were reported in single P. falciparum parasite infections. Of the 165 k13-mutations, over half were reported as new alleles. Twenty (20) non-propeller mutations in the pfkelch13 gene were identified. This review identified emergence of potential ART-resistance mediating k13 mutations in the African region. Diversity of mutations in pfkelch13 gene is highest in African region compared to SEA. Mutations outside the pfkelch13 propeller region associated with increased ART parasite clearance half-life occur in malaria-affected regions.
Tạp chí Truyền nhiễm Việt Nam - Tập 2 Số 34 - Trang 72-78 - 2021
Giới thiệu: Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine phosphate là thuốc sốt rét đầu tay đựơc Tổ chức Y tế thế giới (WHO, 2015) khuyến cáo điều trị sốt rét do Plasmodium falciparum, song hiện nay thất bại điều trị với thuốc này đang xảy ra tại một số tỉnh ở Việt Nam có biên giới với Campuchia và có xu hướng lan rộng. Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu là nhằm đánh giá hiệu lực thuốc và một số chỉ điểm phân tử liên quan đến kháng dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine tại Đăk Lăk. Phương pháp: Thiết kế nghiên cứu thử nghiệm lâm sàng in vivo, không ngẫu nhiên, không đối chứng theo dõi 42 ngày, phân tích các chỉ điểm phân tử liên quan kháng thuốc. Kết quả: Đáp ứng lâm sàng và KST đầy đủ là 12,1%, thất bại lâm sàng muộn 51,5%, thất bại ký sinh trùng muộn 36,4%, tỷ lệ tồn tại KST ngày D3 là 37,0%, chỉ số slope bán thải 5,36 giờ, diễn tiến làm sạch KST PC50, PC75, PC 90, PC95, PC99 lần lượt là 13,24; 19,29; 25,69; 29,97 và 39,15 giờ. Chỉ điểm phân tử đột biến gen K13 loại C580Y chiếm ưu thế 100% (50/50), tăng số bản sao Plasmepsine 2 là 72% (36/50) và xuất hiện đồng thời cả K13 và Plasmepsine 2 trên quần thể P. falciparum là 72% (36/50). Kết luận: Hiệu lực thuốc DHA-PPQ giảm đi đáng kể, chỉ còn 12,1%, thất bại điều trị chung là 87,9%, cùng với đột biến C580Y chiếm ưu thế và Plasmepsine 2 trên các bệnh nhân chậm sạch P. falciparum trong máu. Các bằng chứng rõ ràng trên cho thấy cần phải thay đổi chính sách thuốc khẩn cấp tại vùng có kháng DHA-PPQ.
#Plasmodium falciparum #K13 propeller #số bản sao Plasmepsine 2
Prevalence of K13-propeller polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum from China-Myanmar border in 2007–2012
Malaria Journal - Tập 14 - Trang 1-6 - 2015
The recent emergence and spread of artemisinin resistance in the Greater Mekong Subregion poses a great threat to malaria control and elimination. A K13-propeller gene (K13), PF3D7_1343700, has been associated lately with artemisinin resistance both in vitro and in vivo. This study aimed to investigate the K13 polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum parasites from the China-Myanmar border area where artemisinin use has the longest history. A total of 180 archived P. falciparum isolates containing 191 parasite clones, mainly collected in 2007–2012 from the China-Myanmar area, were used to obtain the full-length K13 gene sequences. Seventeen point mutations were identified in 46.1% (88/191) parasite clones, of which seven were new. The F446I mutation predominated in 27.2% of the parasite clones. The C580Y mutation that is correlated with artemisinin resistance was detected at a low frequency of 1.6%. Collectively, 43.1% of the parasite clones contained point mutations in the kelch domain of the K13 gene. Moreover, there was a trend of increase in the frequency of parasites carrying kelch domain mutations through the years of sample collection. In addition, a microsatellite variation in the N-terminus of the K13 protein was found to have reached a high frequency (69.1%). This study documented the presence of mutations in the K13 gene in parasite populations from the China-Myanmar border. Mutations present in the kelch domain have become prevalent (>40%). A predominant mutation F446I and a prevalent microsatellite variation in the N-terminus were identified, but their importance in artemisinin resistance remains to be elucidated.
Therapeutic efficacy trial of artemisinin-based combination therapy for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria and investigation of mutations in k13 propeller domain in Togo, 2012–2013
Malaria Journal - Tập 15 - Trang 1-9 - 2016
Since 2005, the Togo National Malaria Control Programme has recommended two different formulations of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), artesunate–amodiaquine (ASAQ) and artemether-lumefantrine (AL), for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria. Regular efficacy monitoring of these two combinations is conducted every 2 or 3 years. This paper reports the latest efficacy assessment results and the investigation of mutations in the k13 propeller domain. The study was conducted in 2012–2013 on three sentinel sites of Togo (Lomé, Sokodé and Niamtougou). Children aged 6–59 months, who were symptomatically infected with Plasmodium falciparum, were treated with either AL (Coartem®, Novartis Pharma, Switzerland) or ASAQ (Co-Arsucam®, Sanofi Aventis, France). The WHO standard protocol for anti-malarial treatment evaluation was used. The primary end-point was 28-day adequate clinical and parasitological response (ACPR), corrected to exclude reinfection using polymerase-chain reaction (PCR) genotyping. A total of 523 children were included in the study. PCR-corrected ACPR was 96.3–100 % for ASAQ and 97–100 % for AL across the three study sites. Adverse events were negligible: 0–4.8 % across all sites, for both artemisinin-based combinations. Upon investigation of mutations in the k13 propeller domain, only 9 (1.8 %) mutations were reported, three in each site. All mutant parasites were cleared before day 3. All day 3 positive patients were infected with k13 wild type parasites. The efficacy of AL and ASAQ remains high in Togo, and both drugs are well tolerated. ASAQ and AL would be recommended for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in Togo.
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